Dog House

Dog House with Air Conditioner


This dog house is a good idea, but it wouldn’t work, since the peltier wouldn’t generate  neither hot or cold enought to to keep a better temperatura inside. Even it could, it would consume too much energy.

Will be made of wood (still choosing which wood…) and also will have an air conditioner that have the functions of cold and hot air, reguled with a thermostat.

Casa para Cão Outra Perspetiva da Casa da Cadela Vista Ortogonal Frontal
Porta da Casa da Cadela Localização do Ar Condicionado Saida de Ar Quente ou Frio para o Interior

Components for the “Air Conditioner”

Main Module
(Peltier Plate with heatsinks and fans)Peltier
Termostat (STC-1000-12V)


12V Power Supply
Fonte de Alimentação

Link for the project made with FreeCAD: